Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The World of Blogging

I have had such a fun time reading my brother's and my sister's blogs that I decided it was time to write one of my own. I think I may need Angee to give me a blogging lesson, but I'm going to try this first post all on my own. It won't be very long because I have some chores to do before the boys wake up, but I do have a few minutes while they're napping. Life finally seems to be getting back to some sense of normal. The boys are 6 weeks old today, and everyday seems to get a little bit easier. I can't believe how much they have grown and how fast the time has gone. The last few weeks of my pregnancy seemed to drag on forever, but these weeks have flown right by. Everyone told me that my babies would grow up fast, but I had no idea how fast it would actually be. David and Erik just get cuter everyday, and each morning I find myself more in love with them than I was the day before. They really are such precious little blessings!

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