Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The boys have lots of nicknames. Steve loves to make up new words to call them including squud (pronounced skwud, but Steve insists that it be spelled with a q), squunch, squudbert, and snoogle. But mostly we call David "monster" or "David monster" because of how he opens his mouth really big and tries to eat everything in sight. Erik is "super baby" because he loves to arch his back when you hold him in the air (and when I'm trying to change his diapers). So Jen and I were shopping for swimming suits for the babies when we saw these two onesies, and I just HAD to buy them!

David's says "Mommy's Little Monster."

Erik's says "Super Baby."

It's also funny to note that since they were born whenever we needed to designate color on something, David was our green baby and Erik was our blue baby. Weird. It's like these shirts were made for my babies!


Liz said...

I love the shirts...quite awesome that you just stumbled on them...

Jen said...

Pretty cool that you found those shirts made "just for them!" They're so darling!

Janel said...

My Dad would make up nicknames for all of us. I think it's just a dad thing. Cute onesies!

Rob, Michelle, Luke & Harper said...

Wow, Erik is sitting up? What a stud!