Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My twins are so cute!

David and Erik have both gotten really good at sitting on their own. We took these pictures about a week ago, and because they are so cute, I thought I would share them. Please ignore the messy faces and clothes. The boys are good at sitting, but they need a little more practice eating (and keeping the food in their bellies)!

Erik and David look like best buddies in this picture. "Hey, Brother!" Shortly after the picture was taken, Erik "accidentally" pushed David over. To be fair, it doesn't take much to make him topple.

Here they are both almost smiling. Not quite a big grin from either one, but they both look happy, so I'm happy. Wow they're cute!


Liz said...

I agree...they are pretty cute. And for what it's worth, you can't really see the messiness in the picture! (Plus, I think anyone that has kids knows its impossible to keep them clean 100% of the time...)

Jaclyn said...

Very CUTE!

JackandJaneyNichols said...

They are really cute and I really like the picture of them looking at each other, I was thinking, "oh, look at them, they look like best buddies" then I read what you said, had to laugh. Very cute!

Kortnei said...

They are getting soo big!

Jen said...

They ARE so cute and I think this is the first time I've noticed that they have different eye colors! I know, I'm bad. They'll be good buds.

Rachel said...

Yes they are so cute!! Holy cow I can't believe how much they've grown up already. Love their smiles and the fact that even I can tell them apart!! Wahoo! Sweet babies.

Nanette said...

David and Erik are the cutest little boys ever. I love to see them "playing" with each other.

Rob, Michelle, Luke & Harper said...

is it possible that they keep getting cuter? super studs!!!

Carly Nichols said...

The boys are growing too fast! And their both so stinkin' cute!

Happy Me said...

Hello! I'm glad I found you on here. Your boys are TOTALLY ADORABLE!!!

chadandsydney said...

So cute!!! Bring them to Utah please

Karissa said...

They are absolutely perfect! What fun! =)